Is it possible to redo only part of the AtmanCo assessment?
While it is possible for someone to redo a portion of the assessment, we do not recommend that they do.
Viewing the questions and completing any portion of the assessment more than once within a short period of time can have a significant impact on the results’ validity.
However, if you still wish to have someone redo a portion of their assessments, you can proceed with the following steps:
Step 1: Edit the email address of the completed assessment by adding “_v1” (i.e. change to
Step 2: Send a new invitation to the candidate ensuring you only send the parts of the assessment that you want to be redone.
Step 3: Email to ask us to merge the results into one profile (please note that this request takes 24-48 hours to be completed).
If you have any questions or need help, please contact us.