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August 2023 August 30th, 2023 Psychometrics Platform Features & Improvements: Added support that allows users to pri...
Product Announcement - AtmanCo's Virtual Coach
Your intelligent coach for employee retention Our latest innovation combines psychometric science with caring AI a...
How do I purchase new assessments?
To add assessments to your account, click on your “Client Balance” on your top right and then select “Add Products”...
How can I send one or multiple invitations to complete the AtmanCo evaluation?
You have two options : Send 5 or fewer assessments Send 5 or more assessments Option 1: If you would like ...
Sending an assessment - Error message : the email address already exists. What to do ?
Why are you receiving this message? This error message means that the candidate has already received an invitation to...
How do I resend the email invitation to complete the AtmanPro evaluation?
To resend the invitation link, hover over the name of the candidate and select the “edit” icon. Then, select the “…” ...
What should I do if an applicant does not receive the link to complete the assessment?
If your candidate is not receiving the link to complete the assessment, there are 2 options for you: Ask your candid...
Can I delete an assessment that has not been completed and regain credit for the test?
Yes it is possible. If a candidate has not started the assessment, you can delete the invitation and use the assessme...
What to do if I send a test to the wrong email address?
Step 1: Start by hovering over the name of the candidate in your “People” tab and select the “edit” icon. Step 2: Und...
Can I delete the profile of someone who has already completed the assessment?
No. You cannot delete a profile if the candidate has already started the assessment. However, if you wish to archive ...
How do I change the language of an assessment that I already sent?
The candidate will be able to select their preferred language before the start of the assessment. However, if you wo...
What are the different ways to communicate with the AtmanCo team?
Absolutely! Our customer success team is on stand by to help you with your questions. Simply click on the “conversat...